As part of National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, Bucks County Drug & Alcohol Commission is participating by featuring 48 “Drive Up and Drop In” locations throughout the county. Simply pull up to the drop off location, place the medications into the box and drive away.
Included in this take back event are all unused, unneeded and expired items:
– Prescription Medications
– Over-the-counter Medications
– Pet Medications
– Vitamins
– Inhalers and nasal sprays
– Liquid medications, creams and ointments
– Vaping devices, cartridges, pods and liquids (remove batteries)
Injectables, Needles and Illicit substances are not accepted.
Nearby locations:
WAWA, 1937 York Road, Jamison PA 18929 (Sharps accepted)
SHOPRITE, 924 W Street Road, Warminster PA 18974
WEGMAN’S, 1405 Main Street, Warrington PA 18976
For those that cannot make it to the event, collection boxes are located in several Bucks County Police Departments, including Warwick Township Police. (M-F 8am to 4pm)