In 2017, Pennsylvania signed into law House Bill 542 which repealed and replaced the Fireworks Act of 1939. This new law expanded the types of fireworks which were allowed for use by consumers.
Fireworks – Any combustible or explosive composition or any substance or combination of substances which is intended to produce visible or audible effects by combustion… does not include ground and hand held sparkling devices, novelties, or toy caps.
PA 2017 Act 43, Article XXIV, Section 2401
Consumer fireworks may contain no more than 50 milligrams of explosive material and may only be purchased, possessed, and used by persons at least 18 years of age.
The 2017 Act further clarifies that ignition or discharge of consumer fireworks may only occur on public or private property with the express permission of the owner. Additionally, consumer fireworks may not be ignited or discharged within 150 feet of an occupied structure.
The prior paragraph is relevant to use of fireworks within Stover Mill. The homes within our community are built very close to each other. There is no yard or street within the community which falls outside 150 feet from any building. The Board of Directors has not provided permission for use of fireworks on any community property. Any person using consumer fireworks in violation of the Act commits a summary offense punishable with fine(s).
Display Fireworks are fireworks larger than consumer fireworks. Under the 2017 Act display fireworks require a distance of at least 300 feet from the nearest structure, and also require a permit from the local municipality. Penalties for possession and use of display fireworks is more severe than consumer fireworks.
For more information on the fireworks law, please click here to see the law as published by Pennsylvania in 2017. In 2022 this legislation is being refined to increase penalties and establish permissible time-frames.